Sunday, October 12, 2008

What a blast..

It's been so long since I've had a great time made me want to do it all over again! :) On Friday, I celebrated the b'day of one of my good friends, Geron. It started at Clyde's! We had a BLAST! We laughed about damn near any and everything. It was about 14 of us at the table. Some of us never met before, but you would've never tell by the way we interacted. After that, we decided to go over to Jin (one of my favorite chill spots). The crowd was pretty wack...however, we did our best to enjoy ourselves. I had a couple of G-spots (my favorite drink). We decided to leave shortly after. We were heading to Station 9 when we saw these guys blasting Jennifer Hudson's "Spotlight." OMG! That was too funny. They were out there at the gas station dancing while pumping gas. LMFAO! So of course, we decided to join them. LOL.

I won't go into any further details of the night. Let's just say I can't party the way I use to. My body was feet were screaming. Too much walking on 3 inch heels. Poor babies.

So this upcoming weekend there will be a lot of people in town for HU's homecoming weekend. I'm not sure if I'll be around. Most of the spots will be overpriced and packed. And that's not cool! I think I'll just stay in. Maybe do some bowling or roller skating. Anyone care to join?

1 comment:

Sandy said...

aint no party like an hu party!!!!! holla

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