Is a word we use everyday
Most the time we use it in the wrong way
Now you can look the word up, again and again
But the dictionary doesn't know the meaning of friends
And if you ask me, you know, I couldn't be much help
Because A friend is somebody you judge for yourself
Some are ok, and they treat you real cool
But some mistake kindness for being a fool
Most the time we use it in the wrong way
Now you can look the word up, again and again
But the dictionary doesn't know the meaning of friends
And if you ask me, you know, I couldn't be much help
Because A friend is somebody you judge for yourself
Some are ok, and they treat you real cool
But some mistake kindness for being a fool
Those that know me well, know that I'm not one to be around a large group of people. I would like to think that I've always been this way, but to be quite honest with you... this probably started recently. As in the past two (2) years.
During my college years, I definitely had a large group of friends. Although I would only share my inner most thoughts/feelings with a very small group, I definitely had a great group around me.
Since I moved to this area, I've found it hard to maintain such a friendship. I know there are people I've met that I definitely consider a friend, but I don't really feel as though there's a collective group of people that I can depend on. I can probably start naming names, but I don't want anyone to feel as though I think our "friendship" is meaningless. There are times when I literally drop what it is that I'm doing for some people, but I feel as though they wouldn't do the same for me. We all know that you don't give to get something, but really! I don't' want to put 100% into something, when you're barely putting in 50... The same goes for romantic relationships! I've accepted the fact that Mr. Right probably won't come around anytime soon (and that's fine!), so in the meantime (and in between time), I decided to work on what it is that I want from a relationship. No more will I settle for mediocrity!
Earlier today, I was speaking with my old college roommate! She was the DEFINITION of a GREAT friend back in college. When you saw her, more than likely, I was not too far behind. i must say, the thought of college just brings back all these great memories! I really wish I could go back!
Please excuse me... my mind is just all over the place this evening! To the few friends I do have here in DC, I do want you guys to know that I definitely love and appreciate each and everyone of you!
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