Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Sorry, but I have to cancel...

You know what I hate most about dating? People that cancel last minute! That sh*t irks the hell out of me. Please excuse my bad language here.

I do understand things happen that are beyond anyone’s control, however, there has to be a limit! I mean…come on! One thing I hate to do is cancel. It makes me look unreliable…and that’s something I am not! If I’m canceling, it has to be a good reason. If I didn’t want to see you in the first place, I would’ve never placed you in my schedule. So right there, you’re wasting my time! Time I could have scheduled to do something more constructive.

But here’s what I’m going to do from now on - if you cancel on me, just look at it as a strike out!

End of the story!

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