Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day 26 - Forever in a Day

So I've had this album on repeat for the past few days! Kudos to the boys at Day26 for coming out with yet another GREAT album!

Unfortunately (or fortunately), I have yet to get caught in the drama that they call a reality show. I've heard bits and pieces from family and friends. To be quite honest, I honestly don't care what they do behind the scenes, once I'm able to have something to listen to during my morning commute!

So let's play a game! If you had to, which guy on Day26 would you date?

My response - Absolutely None! There is something wrong with each one of them (IMO). I rather just not! Honestly, I don't even know whose singing half the time. I really need to step up my game.


Neens said...

Maybe Brian. Maybe Mike. It's a toss-up for me.

Sandy said...

hook a sista up! you know your my pusher! :)

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